Real Food Market

For more than seven years, the GOWINGS PORT CENTRAL REAL FOOD MARKETS have been the hub connecting our local community with the finest farmers and food artisans from our region.

Join us every Tuesday from 12:00pm to 5:00pm at the Glasshouse Forecourt for the REAL FOOD MARKETS, a delightful shopping experience. Shop locally sourced organic fruits and vegetables, pasture-raised meats and eggs, baked goods, nuts, honey, jams, and fragrant flowers sourced locally.

Take your time exploring the stalls, engaging with our community’s farmers, and indulging in treats like kombucha, homemade pies, or cheese tarts. Any why not extend your visit by enjoying some retail therapy and lunch at the neighbouring Gowings Port Central Shopping Centre before stocking up on your fresh meat and produce and heading home?

At Gowings Port Central Shopping Centre, we take pride in hosting the REAL FOOD MARKETS, dedicated to sustaining our local farmers and food artisans. We look forward to welcoming you to this vibrant community event!

Our Mission:

The REAL FOOD MARKETS endeavour to foster connections among local farming families, businesses and consumers. By offering a platform for them to directly sell health, seasonal meat, fruits and vegetables to the public within a vibrant, friendly marketplace, we aim to support our community’s well-being and sustainability.

Location: Glasshouse Forecourt
When: Every Tuesday from 12pm – 5:00pm
Further Enquiries:

Real Food Markets Stallholders

Healthy Hammered

Healthy Hammered offers the people of Port Macquarie and surrounds the delicious taste of organic Kombucha. Available in refillable bottles and kegs, you will love this delicious tasting Kombucha!

Homegrown Organics
Homegrown Organics

The Bailey Family have the joy of growing the freshest veggies in The Eastward Garden located in Rollands Plains. They are committed to supplying the community with fresh, healthy and locally grown produce 52 weeks a year.

Totally Free-Range Eggs
Totally Free-Range Eggs

Michael and Tiffany are the Father, Daughter Duo behind Totally Free-Range Eggs. Located on a farm in Kew, Michael displays a love and passion for not only producing beautiful eggs but for the care of his chickens as well.

Mrs Bids Pickles and Jams
Mrs Bids Pickles and Jams

Mrs Bid Pickles and Jams offer homestyle, country kitchen pickles, chutneys, jams and more at our weekly Real Food Markets from 12pm.


At Chef2Farmer our aim is to farm with a deep respect to animals. The pasture raised hens, pigs and cattle live on the freshest pasture, in their natural environments, foraging, digging, scratching and grazing all day every day, full of sunshine and vitamin D.

Sidler Veggies
Sidler Veggies

Rosamarie and Fred Sidler have lived on their farm for 37 years located near Comboyne 35km from Port Macquarie. Rosamarie is the 4th generation marketer and they both demonstrate a love for markets.

The Beekeeper
The Beekeeper

The Beekeeper is a family owned business run by father and son, located on an ex-dairy farm near Kempsey. They are the 4th generation of Beekeepers specialising in producing a range of premium varietal honeys.

Organics MattR
Organics MattR

Organics MattR is a local family owned business based in Port Macquarie. Opened in 2014 alongside his daughter Jemma, Matt started Organics MattR after years of researching the benefits of organic produce and products and discovering a lack of organic based shops within Port Macquarie.

Shopping made simple, at Gowings Port Central

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